We start the pre-season in the Wanda Training Complex!

Atlético's squad started the 2017-18 pre-season at 9:30 in the Wanda Training Complex. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina
Gabi finishing one of the first exercises. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina
Juan Moreno, player of the reserve team, doing an exercise with the ball. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina
Kranevitter and Vietto, in one of the phases of the strength circuit. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina
Happy faces in the first training of the season. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina
Our players did a strength circuit. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina
Santos Borré finishing one of the exercises of the circuit. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina
Fernando Torres, smiling in the first training session. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina
Torres finishing one of the exercises. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina
Augusto Fernández trained at the same pace as his teammates. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina
The goalkeeper Axel Werner doing a strength exercise. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina
Our team will train again this Friday at 8:00 in the Wanda Training Complex. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina

