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Our family grows: 70.000 members

Our fans’ loyalty is impressive. We are now an Atlético family of 70.000, a community that doesn’t stop growing.


Starting this Tuesday, July 1st, once all the followers who requested a new season pass for next season through the website or at the Club’s offices have been attended, we offer for sale the season passes still available for the 2014-15 season. Any information or enquiry will be answered via e-mail [email protected], by phone on the number 0034 902 26 04 03 or at the Club’s offices.
On the other hand, if what you want is to enjoy the advantages that being a non season pass member grants, you can do so at any time by filling out this form and we will contact you.

A constant proof of affection for our team. That is what the Atlético de Madrid fans are. A united family that gives everything for their colours and which keeps growing every day. This is why, in recent days the club has reached the magical figure of 70,000 members. A record that we had never reached, and which has been possible thanks to the support of all the Atléticos around the world.

France, England, Brazil, Luxembourg, Puerto Rico, the United States, Japan or China are just a few of the corners of the world where the Atlético passion extends to. A global variety that is also evident within our borders, since the club has members in all of Spain’s Autonomous Communities, with approximately 25% of them out of the Community of Madrid, which means that our players feel the warmth of their own every time they wear the Atlético shirt, no matter where they play.

This Monday, June 30th, Miguel Fernández was called to the Club’s offices after having requested, through our website, his season pass for the next campaign and destiny made this visit different to others to the Vicente Calderón. Miguel became the member number 70,000 and received a commemorative t-shirt of the moment. "I'm surprised, pleased and excited to be able of being a part of this club", our 70,000th member admitted.

Since the first day I came to the Calderón, I was hooked

Miguel Fernández, member number 70.000

This man from Tenerife carries his passion for Atlético’s shirt deep inside and recalls the first time he visited the Calderón, a stadium that he will regularly visit after acquiring his pass. "The first time I came was for a match against Badajoz with two goals from Salva and there was a full house with a great atmosphere. Since that day, I was hooked. Those of us who weren’t mebers have lived this season with envy and now I have the opportunity of being able to come to the field".