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Miguel Ángel Gil: "We're fed up with Barcelona's attitude"

Due to the recent statements and information that have been published in the past few days about the future of our player Antoine Griezmann, Miguel Ángel Gil Marín, CEO of Atlético de Madrid has demanded respect for our club.

Due to recent statements and information that have been published in the past few days about the future of our player Antoine Griezmann, Miguel Ángel Gil Marín, CEO of Atlético de Madrid, has demanded respect for our club."We're fed up with Barcelona's attitude. That a president, player and a board member speak the way they've done about the future of a player with an existing contract and just a few days before disputing a European final, is an absolute lack of respect towards Atlético Madrid and its fans."

"Atlético de Madrid's stance is very clear and has been made public on numerous occasions. Not once have we negotiated for Griezmann nor do we have any intention to do so. A few months ago, I personally expressed to Barcelona's president that our player isn't for sale nor are we going to sell him. At the same time, I let him know that his inappropriate conduct was against the integrity of the competition, especially since we've been competing for the league title throughout the season and Barcelona have been continuously pressuring one of the most relevant players from our squad. I also told him in that moment, that in the chance the player exercised his right to nullify his contract due to their pressure throughout the season that Atlético de Madrid would demand Barcelona compensation for their inappropriate behavior."

"Enough is enough. I hope this statement serves its purpose and that us Atlético fans can enjoy this moment and prepare ourselves for a final like we should."