Atlético de Madrid Escudo Atlético de Madrid


Atlético de Madrid and Help Steps sign a collaboration agreement

Through the Help Steps app, the first app that converts users' steps into donations, you can support sport, education and social responsibility movements through the Atlético de Madrid Foundation.

Our club and Help Steps, the first health app that converts users' steps into donations, have signed a cooperation agreement by which our institution, through the Atlético de Madrid Foundation, will support sport, education and social responsibility movements thanks to the donations made by the users of the app itself.

The Atlético de Madrid Foundation, among other areas, works to promote innovation programs in sport and health, with the aim of using sport as a transformative tool, contributing to the improvement of people's quality of life and, most especially, of children and teenagers, promoting education, integration and social development programs.

The Help Steps app - which is also a pedometer and is available on Google Play and the App Store - converts the steps taken by its users throughout the day, as well as their cycling, into HS points, allowing users to accumulate or donate, through the app, these HS points to individual beneficiaries in need, non-governmental organizations or sports clubs. Gözde Venedik, CEO of Help Steps, said: "We are very happy to collaborate with Atlético de Madrid. This is just the beginning. Through their support of the club, the fans will contribute to improve their sporting habits as well. The surprises for our users will keep coming".

Our president of the Atlético de Madrid Foundation and club legend, Adelardo Rodríguez, was very pleased with this new collaboration: "This partnership agreement endorses our commitment to promoting healthy habits and social work. Help Steps also gives us the opportunity to involve our fans in achieving these objectives directly".

This collaboration now offers Atlético de Madrid fans the opportunity to give the gift of their steps, for a good cause, through the Help Steps app, which is used in 161 countries around the world.
