Main sponsors

Riyadh Air Nike Cívitas

Atlético de Madrid Escudo Atlético de Madrid

The images of the corporate event of 'Neptuno-Atlético de Madrid Premium'

José Luis Pérez Caminero, Carlos Jean, Andrew Hampel (CEO of ISG), Enrique Cerezo, Juanfran, Ana Molina (Sales Manager of Neptuno Atlético de Madrid Premium) and Adrian Dishington (COO of Centerplate UK). / PHOTO: Ángel Gutiérrez
Gonzalo Miró presented the event of the debut of Neptuno Atlético de Madrid Premium. / PHOTO: Ángel Gutiérrez
Our chairman Enrique Cerezo gave a speach in the corporate presentation of Neptuno Atlético de Madrid Premium. / PHOTO: Ángel Gutiérrez
Attendees of the presentation of Neptuno Atlético de Madrid Premium held at the Palace Hotel. / PHOTO: Ángel Gutiérrez
Miguel Ángel Gil, Andrew Hampel (CEO of ISG), Enrique Cerezo, Juanfran, José Luis Pérez Caminero, Richard Cheesman (Director of CenterplateISG) and Adrian Dishington (COO of Centerplate UK). / PHOTO: Ángel Gutiérrez
Carlos Jean and Juanfran, in the presentation of Neptuno Atlético de Madrid Premium held at the Palace Hotel. / PHOTO: Ángel Gutiérrez
Carlos Jean played the music in the corporate presentation of Neptuno Atlético de Madrid Premium. / PHOTO: Ángel Gutiérrez