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Riyadh Air Nike Cívitas

Atlético de Madrid Escudo Atlético de Madrid


The Academy gets ready for the coming season

For the first time, the teams of the club’s Academy have had some fellowship days in Los Ángeles de San Rafael to prepare the start of the new season.

  Óliver Torres firma autógrafos a los niños de La Academia en Los Ángeles de San Rafael

A surprise visit of Óliver Torres, our player formed in the Academy of the club, and the chairman Enrique Cerezo, has put an end to a fellowship week of all the teams of the Academy in Los Ángeles de San Rafael, where both the high performance and training teams (from cadets to juveniles) have concentrated.

In addition to the children of the Academy, Atlético de Madrid’s women’s team 'A' and 'B' and Atlético de Kolkata have trained during the week of August 31st to September 7th in the facilities of Segovia.

Given the uniqueness of the facilities, the days have included all kinds of activities. In addition to training with the club’s coaches and recreational and leisure activities, the young players of our Academy have received formative lectures in various fields: nutrition and preventive habits, management of social networks and coaching and values.

Message of support from Miguel Ángel Gil

Miguel Angel Gil Marin, CEO of the Club, came by Los Ángeles de San Rafael to share one of these days. He did so accompanied by the Technical Director of the Academy, Miguel Ángel Ruiz, and its Director, Emilio Gutiérrez. Firstly, Miguel Ángel Gil visited Atlético de Kolkata, which will defend the Indian Super League (ISL) title won last season, and Atletico de Madrid’s women’s team, to whom he conveyed an encouraging and supporting message for their first Champions League. Following that, he watched one of the Academy teams training and spoke with the coaches who led the session.