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Simeone: "We are working to bring out the best"

The coach and the Belgian player attended the media to analyze the game against Feyenoord in Rotterdam.

Simeone spoke to the media in Rotterdam. The Argentinian coach will reach tomorrow his 100th UEFA Champions League match in charge of the same team: "As we always say, I hope for the best. We work to bring out the best. I am proud to compete 100 games with Atlético de Madrid because the club has been with a lot of continuity in recent years, that is very important for our people and for the growth".

Our coach commented on some of the keys that will decide Tuesday's match: "The important thing is to play a great game. To face it with the determination to take the game to where we believe we can do damage".

Finally, Simeone reviewed our opponents, especially the striker Santiago Giménez: "Santi is an important player for our opponents. A striker with a goal, with good positioning and strong, who is usually well positioned when the team goes on the attack. We're going to play with what they saw, an agile team, with people who attack inside, deep on the outside, who generate good pressure dynamically in your half".

Also present at the press conference was Axel Witsel, who began by examining the game ahead: "In the home game we had a lot of pressure from them. They are young and know how to press well. Tomorrow it will be the same, especially here at their home, with a very hot atmosphere".

Concentration and intensity during the game will be key, something that the Belgium international has already taken for granted: "Start the game strong, from start to finish. We all want to play in tomorrow's game, it's an important Champions League match".

The numbers don't lie, and they say that Witsel is one of the defenders with the highest number of duels won in Europe, but the Atleti player doesn't think about statistics: "I always play, I don't think beyond that. I don't give much importance to statistics, when I play I do it to do well for the team". 
