The Wanda Metropolitano, seen from its roof's compression ring

Spectacular view from the compression ring, over the north-west corner of the Wanda Metropolitano. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina.
Partial view of the oval formed by the upper traction ring. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina.
The north end of the Wanda Metropolitano with Madrid's skyline in the background. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina.
A walkway allows the workers to move around the compression ring over the stands of the Wanda Metropolitano. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina.
Detail of the connection of a steel cable that joins the lower compression ring with the upper compression ring of the roof. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina.
The installation of the compression ring over the stands of the Wanda Metropolitano was completed last November. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina.
The compression ring is made up of 32 modules that were consecutively assembled over the stands of the Wanda Metropolitano. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina.
The compression ring, that rise over the stands of the Wanda Metropolitano, is nine metres high. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina.
The upper traction ring is 30 metres over the playing field. Once the lower traction ring is raised, both will be lifted to their maximum height. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina.
The Wanda Metropolitano, as seen from the compression ring over the south end. / PHOTO: Alberto Molina.