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Godín: "We played the match intelligently"

Ángel Correa, Diego Godín and Lucas Hernández analysed the red and white victory against Osasuna.

PHOTO: Ángel Gutiérrez

After our 0-3 victory at El Sadar, Ángel Correa, Diego Godín and Lucas Hernández analysed for the media the match against Osasuna, where Jan Oblak saved a penalty with 0-0 on the scoreboard.

"We always trust Oblak. This Sunday, he played a great game," said Correa, the Argentinian striker, who also noted: "After our first goal, we handled the match better."

For his part, the Uruguayan centre-back, who scored the 0-1, said: "I’m happy for the goal, but much more for the victory. We leave with good feelings. It’s a very difficult field, and we played the match intelligently."

The French defender, who played in the left wing against the team from Navarre, commented along those lines: "We had to be solid at the rear and thanks to that, we have enough quality at the top to make a difference. It could be noticed, and thank God we won the three points in such a complicated stadium," Lucas assured.