Koke and Filipe Luis sentence Málaga

Atlético de Madrid won in Málaga with two goals by Koke and Filipe Luis in a fully controlled match. The team has won four consecutive games.

We return to LaLiga at La Rosaleda

After the break, the League competition returns with a match against Málaga. We come after beating Sevilla by 3-1 at El Calderón.

List of 19 football players to play in La Rosaleda

Keidi, Olabe and Alberto Rodríguez, players of Atlético B, make it into the squad list, which doesn’t include the banned Carrasco and the injured Moyá, Vrsaljko, Tiago, Augusto, Gaitán and Gameiro.

Medical reports of Moyá, Gaitán and Gameiro

The goalkeeper suffers a grade I-II muscle injury in the femoral biceps of the left thigh. The Argentinian, an arthritis in the metatarsal phalangeal joint of the big toe of the left foot. And, finally, the Frenchman suffers a tendinitis in the left thigh adductor.

Moyá renews until 2018

The red and white goalkeeper, who arrived in the summer of 2014, will continue to wear the red and white shirt for one more season.

Great victory against Sevilla

Godín put the team ahead before the interval and wonder goals by Griezmann, from a free-kick, and Koke, in a great play, to decide the match. The player from Sevilla Correa, scored the 3-1 in the final stretch.

Juanfran reaches 200 matches played in LaLiga

The right-back from Alicante has already played 200 matches in the national championship with Atlético de Madrid. He came on in the second minute to substitute Sime Vrsaljko.