Manzano presented as the new manager of Atlético de Madrid

Don Enrique Cerezo wished luck to the new manager

Club Atlético de Madrid begins a new project in which Gregorio Manzano will lead the team. The Andalucian manager starts his second spell with the club. In this new chapter, he’ll be accompanied by Juan Vizcaíno y Rubén Baraja.  With Vizxaino taking on the role of assistant manager whilst Baraja will act as a second assistant. The rest of the Andalusian’s technical team is made up by Toni Servera, the fitness coach he worked with at Sevilla F.C. and Joan Mesquida will be the goalkeeper coach.

They were all presented in the VIP suite of the Vicente Calderón Stadium, a presentation hosted by Don Enrique Cerezo.  The president opened the act and assured all that “We are here to welcome a man who is already part of the history of our club. Gregorio Manzano is a manager whose professional record speaks for itself, he has become one of the most respected people in Spanish football”.

“His arrival in Atlético de Madrid, in the 2003/04 season, shortly after winning the Spanish Cup with Mallorca was a big step forward in his professional career. Since then the club has grown considerably, we’ve returned to European competition and in recent years have competed in both the Champions League and the Europa League coming up against some of the biggest sides in the continent, culminating in winning a magnificent double. Now Gregorio Manzano picks up where he left off, at the doors of Europe, where we will return to a competition in which we have unfinished business”, claimed the club president.

Don Enrique Cerezo then spoke directly to his new manager  “you inherit a very young and professional squad of players who will easily adapt to your style and the ways of working you always impose on your teams. Your return to Atlético de Madrid shows that when someone leaves a club in such a gentlemanly way, after having done his job in such an honorable and sincere way, with such a sense of pride, the doors will always be open for him”.

“We hope to receive from you professionalism, dedication, commitment and stability.  We trust that from the perspective of the experience you have gained during the years, along with the knowledge of the club and the illusion you have as a result of your second chance, you can complete the job you had started years ago”, he concluded.

José Luis Pérez Caminero who was also present added “I’d like to welcome Gregorio to the club. The decision to employ him has been though about long and hard. We believe that he is the right person for this new project and I’d like to thank him for accepting our offer. With him we will all succeed at Atletico de Madrid”.

Manzano expressed his happiness to be returning to Atletico de Madrid “during my stay with the club I lived all sorts of situations, the year left an impression on me. I return to a club with a big history and great fans. I’m experiencing a happy moment, Atlético is one of the biggest clubs in Spain and I want to take on the challenge”.

“This club has always been in my heart.  My technical team would like to bring happiness to the club and our fans. I hope our stay here is a long one. I can promise hard work and humility”, he concluded.
